Below is an outline of the of grammar concepts presented in each chapter of the textbook "REALIDADES 1"
Chapter 1
- expressing agreement or disagreement
- definite and indefinite articles
- adjectives
Chapter 2
- subject pronouns
- plural forms of nouns and articles
- present-tense of –ar verbs
- the verb estar
Chapter 3
- present-tense of –er, -ir verbs
- plural of adjectives
- me gustan/me encantan
- the verb ser
Chapter 4
- the verb ir and ir + a + infinitive
- asking questions
- the verb jugar
Chapter 5
- the irregular verbs: tener, venir, ser and estar
- possessive adjectives
Chapter 6
- comparatives and superlatives
- affirmative tú command
- the present progressive tense
- present -tense o - ue verbs
Chapter 7
- present tense of e - ie stem-changing verbs
- the preterite of -ar verbs
- the preterite of verbs ending in -car and -gar
- demonstrative adjectives
- direct object pronouns
Chapter 8
- the preterite -er, -ir verbs
- the present-tense of decir and ir
- indirect object pronouns
- the personal "a"
- the preterite of hacer and dar
Chapter 9
- acabar de + infinitive
- the present-tense of pedir and servir
- the verbs saber and conocer
- gustar and similar verbs